Records Management Knowledge Center

Learn how to manage, organize, and store your critical data more efficiently.

Improving the accessibility and security of your data doesn't need to be difficult. Our knowledge base contains all the information you need to make informed decisions when its time to modernize your records management practices.

As businesses and organizations navigate the complex world of data privacy, it’s essential to understand the differences between Protected Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII). In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the distinctions between the two, how they are regulated, and the best practices for safeguarding sensitive data. Defining PHI and

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Effective medical records retention is a crucial component of providing quality care to your patients. Not only does a proper retention schedule help protect patient privacy and enhance data security, but it also plays a pivotal role in healthcare management. In our guide, we will explore medical records retention requirements, the role of the Health

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Organizations in possession of irreplaceable historical/cultural records are responsible for the long term preservation of these documents, emphasizing the crucial role they play in ensuring the survival and accessibility of our shared history. The fragility of these documents and their vulnerability to the ravages of time make their immediate preservation a top priority. However, these

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In the digital age, more and more industries are turning to technology to streamline their processes and increase operational efficiency, and the legal field is no different.  In fact, the American Bar Association has been recommending that law firms go paperless since 2019. Due to the nature of their work, law firms end up dealing

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From invoices and receipts to contracts and medical records, paper documents tend to pile up quickly. With so many important records to keep track of, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed by the amount of papers lying around. That’s because managing paper records is extremely difficult. Finding a specific document when you need it can be

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Choosing the right file type for your document scanning project can be an overwhelming decision, especially when you’re not even sure why it matters! But not every file format is created equal, and depending on your project, there is a pretty good chance that one will be better for you in the long run than

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Businesses accumulate mountains of paper documents as a part of their day to day operations.  From contracts and receipts to employee records and tax documents, this paperwork is an unpleasant but unavoidable part of running a business.  More often than not, these documents end up piled high in a back room somewhere or stuffed into

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Maintaining clear and accurate records is the foundation of quality patient care. A proper records management plan ensures that clinicians have immediate access to the most relevant, accurate, and up to date patient records, resulting in better patient outcomes. However, organizing your patient’s records in folders and paper files requires a ton of manual labor.

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Starting January 1st 2023, any digitized document submitted to the National Archives or the Library of Congress must achieve a minimum 3 star FADGI rating. But what does that even mean?! With this deadline quickly approaching, there has never been a better time to learn about FADGI, NARA’s new requirements, and the implications they may

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Business owners often find that as their company grows, the number of invoices that need to be managed increases exponentially.   Without hiring additional employees, it can be difficult to keep up with the demand, leading to missed payments, duplicated invoices, and data entry errors.  These small errors can lead to big problems, including damaging vendor

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