Frequently Asked Questions

How Does the Document Scanning Price Calculator Work?

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Visualizing the number of documents in your office storage can be challenging, so we created a tool to simplify the estimation process. The document scanning calculator helps you determine how many documents you need to scan based on your current storage containers.

Each container type is mapped to an estimated document count, which you’ll see when you add an item in the calculator. This count is then multiplied by the industry-standard rate of $0.09 per sheet. For example, if you have a 4-drawer, 18-inch wide filing cabinet, entering “4” in the calculator will estimate (12,800 documents * $0.09) = $1,152.00.

Depending on how full your filing cabinets are, you may find that the estimate in our calculator is higher than what you’ll actually pay, assuming that some boxes or drawers are naturally only partially full. You may also receive discounts for bulk scanning which are not accounted for in this tool.