Frequently Asked Questions

How does the document scanning price calculator work?

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When you’re ready to start your document scanning project, it can be difficult to visualize the number of documents that need to be converted, especially when stored in various containers and filing cabinets around your office.

In order to simplify this estimation, we created this tool to help you determine how many documents you need to scan based on your current storage method.

Each available container type is mapped to an estimated document count ( as you will see when you add a single item in the calculator ) which is multiplied by the industry-standard rate of $.09 per sheet scanned. This makes it easy to take inventory of each storage container you have to get an estimated total cost for your scanning project.

For example, assume you have a 18″ W4 Drawer File Cabinet. Simply input 4 into the matching filing cabinet ( 4 drawers at 18″ each ) to get a rough estimate of (12,800 documents * $.09) = $1,152.00 cost.

Depending on how full your filing cabinets are, you may find that the estimate in our calculator is higher than what you’ll actually pay, assuming that some boxes or drawers are naturally only partially full. You may also receive discounts for bulk scanning which are not accounted for in this tool.



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